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1P-LSD (1-propionyl-lysergic acid diethylamide) is a synthetic psychedelic drug and a derivative of LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide). It is a member of the lysergamide class of chemicals, which also includes LSD and other closely related compounds. At LegalHighs, 1P-LSD is sold as a research chemical.

1P-LSD operation

1P-LSD is believed to act on serotonin receptors in the brain to produce effects similar to those of LSD. The exact mechanisms of action of 1P-LSD and other psychedelics are not yet fully understood by science, but scientists believe they interact with serotonin receptors, specifically the 5-HT2A receptors. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in mood, perception and behavior. Activation of 5-HT2A receptors is believed to be responsible for the psychedelic effects of 1P-LSD and other compounds, such as altered thinking patterns, visual and auditory hallucinations, changes in perception, and a sense of heightened awareness or spiritual awareness.

1P-LSD effects

The subjective mental and physical effects of 1P-LSD can, of course, vary depending on the individual, dose, environment, and other factors. Some common mental effects reported in trip reports include altered thought patterns and perception of time, visual and auditory hallucinations, mood changes including feelings of euphoria, happiness or insight, a sense of heightened awareness or spiritual awareness, disturbances in perception of space and time, enhanced creativity, introspection and self-awareness, and changes in sense of self, including a sense of oneness with the universe or derealization. In derealization, a person experiences the world around them as unreal, as if they are living in a dream or as if the world is not real.

Physical effects that may occur include pupil dilation, changes in body temperature, blood pressure and heart rate, increased blood flow to the muscles and extremities, increased blood sugar levels, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea (these effects are more common with high blood pressure). doses), sweating, tremors and muscle spasms, and difficulty focusing the eyes and maintaining balance. It is important to note that the effects of 1P-LSD can be unpredictable and not always necessarily pleasant. Some people may experience anxiety, panic, or negative thoughts while under the influence of the drug. It is also possible to have a "bad trip," which is a negative, overwhelming, or frightening experience while taking psychedelics.

Buy 1P LSD

Order 1P-LSD? Order the very highest quality 1P-LSD from LegalHighs today. 1P-LSD is a research chemical and is therefore not suitable for human consumption. Ordered before 17:30 will be delivered tomorrow! You can pay with us easily and securely with iDEAL, as you are used to. You can buy 1P-LSD at LegalHighs, the fastest, best and cheapest research chemicals specialist in the Netherlands! We also offer other research chemicals.

1P-LSD is sold in different quantities. Would you like to order 1P-LSD in larger quantities? Please contact +31 6 49 17 25 20 via WhatsApp. LegalHighs offers competitive rates for larger quantities. Don't wait any longer and contact us today.

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